Thursday, March 17, 2016

"I tell you," He replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."
Luke 19:40

This Sunday being Palm Sunday when we celebrate Jesus' triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, it's only fitting we honor our Lord Jesus Christ with our praise. 

Jesus sent two of His disciples into town. "You will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you why, tell them the Lord needs it." The men found the donkey and brought it back to the Savior. They put their cloaks on the colt and helped Jesus climb on it.

When they reached the road going to the Mount of Olives, they were greeted with a crowd of people who began boisterously praising God. "Blessed is the King who comes in the Name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory to God in the highest!"

Some of the teachers nearby were jealous of His stature with the people and told Jesus to make the crowd shut up. But Jesus replied, "I tell you if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

Little did the people know the King of all kings was about to be crucified. The people praised Him for His works, not realizing He was the Messiah, the King of Glory, the Lord of all lords, Who alone is worthy of praise.

Today I want to praise and honor my Savior, my King. Jesus said if the people didn't praise, the stones would cry out. May it never be! No stone or anyone else will ever glorify my Jesus for me. He has done too much for me not to bring honor and glory to Him. He literally went through hell and back for me and for you. He is my Savior, my Righteousness, my Redeemer, my Healer, my Master, my Lord, and my Friend.

I will praise Him forever for His love, mercy, and grace! For He alone is worthy! I will sing praise to His Name! I will clap my hands and shout praises to my God! I will love and honor Him because He first loved me!

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