Have you ever had a bad habit, something in your life you knew you needed to quit or get rid of but couldn't seem to shake? Mine was putting up with drivers who had no business being on the road. "That so-in-so better drive it or park it. Why don't they either give up their license or go back to driver's training school. Where did they get their license anyway, Walmart?"
Ecclesiastes 7:9 declares, "Be not hasty in your spirit to be angry; for anger rests in the bosom of fools." Ouch! How quick we are to get angry at others when we ourselves can be just a guilty in other areas. The Lord really convicted me of this. Personally, I would rather not have anger rest in my bosom (spirit). We are to be a light in a dark world, the salt of the earth. How can we be light and salt if we have anger in our spirit.
The old saying goes, "It's better to keep quiet while people wonder who's the fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." What rests in your bosom?
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