Jesus knew His fate. Torture beyond comprehension,
ridicule, and ultimately death lay only a few hours before Him. We find our
Lord in the garden of Gethsemane with eleven of His disciples. He asked them to
pray while He trekked further down the familiar path to entreat His Heavenly
Father regarding the coming events.
Our precious Savior fell on His
knees and wept bitterly. In agony, He bore the weight of the world on His
shoulders, carrying the sins of all mankind throughout the ages. For the first
time, sinless Deity experienced the hopelessness and wretchedness of being
separated from Abba Father, Daddy God.
Arrested, scorned by a mock trial, abandoned by His disciples, Jesus said not a word. The Roman Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on His head, and a purple robe on His back, as they relentlessly taunted Him, beat Him, and pulled out His beard.
After being beaten beyond recognition, they made Jesus carry His own cross to the hill of Galgatha. Nails pierced His precious hands and feet. As the cross was lifted upright, it fell hard into the hole prepared for the cross to stand in, taring his flesh even more. A few hours later He cried out "It is finished!" Jesus, the only begotten Son of God died carrying your and my sins to the grave with Him.
Devastated, His disciples hid for fear of their own lives. Their Teacher, their Lord was gone. What was to come of them?
But, praise God, this isn't the end of the story. Three days later something miraculous happened in His tomb. The dynamite power of the Holy Spirit breathed life into His lifeless body. He opened His eyes. Holy Ghost Fire flooded His very being. Jesus sprang to His feet, bursting with life!
Hallelujah, Jesus is alive today!
Our Lord suffered this agonizing ordeal because HE LOVES YOU! He conquered death, hell, and the grave for YOU! He is alive forever more, seated at the right hand of Father God ever living to make intercession for YOU! Now, what will you do for Him?
He died for me. The least I can do is to live for Him! Happy Easter (Resurrection Day) everyone!