The Lord has given me heart to see others brought into His Kingdom. My desire is to see people set free and delivered from the hold Satan has on their lives. Over the years we've seen the sinner repent, sick healed, the down trodden lifted up, and those bound by drugs, alcohol, depression, hatred, or unforgiveness loosed from their bondage.
When you made Jesus the Lord of your life, it was a free gift given by the Almighty God Himself, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus' parting words before ascending into Heaven were, "GO, preach the good news, bringing others into My Kingdom." This is your mandate as a born again Child of Daddy God.
The following is a song the Lord gave me as a reminder of what He expects of us, His children.
Jesus said in Matthew ten,
Go heal the sick and raise the dead.
I send you out as sheep among the wolves.
Preach the good news of the Kingdom
By My Spirit there is freedom.
All they have to do is just believe.
Jesus said if you believe
I will go with you all the way.
I am your strength, your comforter and guide.
Share the gospel with your neighbor.
In My Name you have favor.
Now share these things that others will receive.
Freely you've received, now freely give.
The precious Blood of Jesus
Was shed that you might live.
He gave you life eternal,
Countless blessings now are yours.
Freely you've received, now freely give.
Song by
Pam Branstetter
We have been set free from the bondage of sin. It no longer has dominion in our lives. Now what will you do with that freedom?